What NICE class should I look at to protect a Restaurant or Bar with a Trademark?

What NICE class should I look at to protect a Restaurant or Bar with a Trademark?

You have worked hard getting known, building an enviable reputation in your area, for your restaurant or bar. What if that was all taken away tomorrow? The only way to know that you have exclusive use of the name of your bar or restaurant is with a federal trademark registration. This certificate means that you can prevent others from using that name nationwide for food and beverage services. However, a trademark for food and beverage services has some unique challenges.
Trademark Fair Use - When can you use a company's trademark?

Trademark Fair Use - When can you use a company's trademark?

When is it fair use to use a company's trademark? Apple, IBM, Exxon, Facebook. There,...

Protect Your Real Estate Business with a Trademark

Protect Your Real Estate Business with a Trademark

You've worked hard to develop your real estate brand - make sure it stays yours. Real Estate...

Trademark Symbol Keyboard Shortcut on a Mac

Trademark Symbol Keyboard Shortcut on a Mac

You want to type the trademark symbol ™ and ® on a Mac? It's easy. ...

Trademark Filing Basis 1A

Trademark Filing Basis 1A

Trademark Filing Basis 1A A trademark filing basis forms the legal reason for filing the...

Does Kim Kardashian have a Trademark on her Name?

Does Kim Kardashian have a Trademark on her Name?

Kim Kardashian, US TV personality and billionaire, and her family have 98 trademarks and trademark...